fran verbeek

Exposing Myself (And What Happened Next)

Usually when I sit down to write a blog, I have a good idea where it’s gonna go, but today I actually have no idea. I just know I need to put pen to paper. The last few weeks have been intense and since the start of the New Year, it has been non-stop. Busy […]

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New year resolution flaw

“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.” – Vance Havner The end of the year is approaching and I am loving the crisp, clear, frosty mornings and the hibernation and reflection the dark, cosy winter nights allow. It’s about […]

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Create A Life You Love

“You are free to believe what you choose and what you do attests to what you believe” I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day who asked me the question ‘who is the happiest person you know?’. Ask yourself it now. It’s difficult to answer isn’t it? There are certainly people around […]

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