fran verbeek

What Your Reaction To Brexit / The US Election Says About You

“Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemy.” – Nelson Mandela Times are undeniably volatile. 2016 has seen some seismic political movement as Britain voted out of Europe and America voted in Donald Trump as their president, leaving many feeling shocked and outraged and has divided nations to a scary level. […]

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In Search Of The Good Life

I’ve just come back from a weekend at The Good Life Experience festival in North Wales; a festival celebrating craft, culture, music, literature and the great outdoors. As I sit here now, a little blurry eyed but with warm electricity in my heart I realise; There is something truly therapeutic about a festival; almost a […]

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Say Yes More

I am nearly half way through a trip in Indonesia, leading meditation classes for a couple of hotels on the Gili Islands. I am sat in a beach front café looking out on the crystal clear turquoise waters, with an unblemished cloudless sky above me, sipping a cool, refreshing fruit juice when I stopped to […]

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