fran verbeek

Why The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side

Published on Rewind to November 2015; my life for the previous 6 months had felt like I was dipping my toe into living a life that felt authentic. I had quit my job in London and moved to Cornwall, a beautiful coastal, rural part of England where I was freelancing and doing a little […]

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5 Things to Help You Discover Your Purpose

Published on This week, on two separate occasions, two friends asked me the same question; “What is your ‘why’?” My reply to them both was the same; I know what it is, I just find it hard to sum it up into a sentence. Which got me thinking – why couldn’t I?! Why couldn’t […]

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Broke, Single and Happier Than Ever

Published on “You must make your dream a priority in order for it to become your life.” – Bob Proctor. I am sitting in the courtyard of the little place I’ve just moved into, an old washhouse separate from a beautiful big Victorian house, by the coast in Cornwall. The washhouse is no bigger […]

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