Space To Reconnect

Wellbeing retreats, Seasonal Circles & Online Meditation Courses

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Written for the Creative Calm Community I open the window fill my lungs with the frozen morning air the frame lit by one dancing candle I wrap my shoulders with a blanket place both hands over my heart and close my eyes to the darkness of dawn breath comes___ easy and kind I whisper to […]

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Golden love

autumn, as time slowsthere’s a softness a knowing a rhythm of steadiness___ of calm loveas light moves through formin letting go and a receivinga balance is foundjust as lovers hearts beat in resonance gentlehelda falla short story of earth + energylight + form moments made sacreduntil time whispers againwake up, you’re home🍁

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hope rattles the cage of complacencya niggling – a calling swims through my veins keeping me awake at nightmoments of felt clarity and truth ring like the chime of a bellwaiting – – – just as a tiger waits for its prey hidden in the tall grass___ I am the prey, life is the tiger if […]

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