i feel changed different, somehowas iffallen backwards caught in a web of trustarms wide, i remember nowhow to share limitless love__ through me not of form in moonlight, the songbird rememberedand I found my voice once more toowe were witnessto love — connection — angels made visualin exchanges of truthand the salt waterthat filled eyes of kind soulsjust passing thoughi […]
Nothing to lose
I was searching for home in all the wrong placesIn a persona place or a roleMistaking thatonce foundI grasp hold to make ‘mine’Effort to hold the impermanentas permanentBelieving then there is something to lose. I realise nowhome is right herein the river of light deep within my chestalways therealways accessibleNothing then to seekbut instead to notice what I’m already […]
Pivot – It’s ok to choose again
This weekend I was in the company of five incredible women on a weekend wellbeing retreat. We spoke a lot about direction, intentions and living in alignment and my reflections from the weekend leads me here to the page today. These last few months I have slipped out of alignment and found myself veering off […]